- 학번: 2018311406
- 학과: 소프트웨어학과 원전공
Works for team
- Team Leader
- Managed overall flow about project like report aggregation, progress & schedule management, and etc.
- Set up most of the static page
- Posted about individual works planning, Static Page Post(Korean)
- Made html and schema for individual works, Static Page Post(Korean)
- Helped making readme.md of static page repo., README.md
- Made static page main that explaining the project overview, Main Page
- Made about page that lists what we've done individually, About Page
Works for project
- Managed labeling, assigning, and overall flow of issues and Pull Requests in team repo.
- Reviewed most of the pull requests in team repo., See List
- Code Review: Pointed out the convention of project and PEP 8, Team Repo. PR #2
- Code Review: Pointed out errors of added comments, Team Repo. PR #4
- Code Review: Informed the cause of error and suggested better improvement, Team Repo. PR #6
- Code Review: Discussed about decorator grammar, Team Repo. PR #8
- Code Review: Pointed out one minor typo, Team Repo. PR #52
- Code Review: Informed about markdown grammar and suggested better improvement, Team Repo. PR #13
- First pointed out about indentation consistency issue, Team Repo. Issue #11
- Wrote description of how-to-progress about unifying indent, Team Repo. Issue #20
- Code Review: Pointed out some miss while unifying indent, Team Repo. PR #30
- Code Review: Pointed out some miss while unifying indent, Team Repo. PR #31
- Code Review: Pointed out one miss while unifying indent, Team Repo. PR #36
- Code Review: Pointed out some miss while unifying indent, Team Repo. PR #39
- Unified indent to 4 spaces, even-more-python-... chapter 1-5, Team Repo. PR #22
- Unified indent to 4 spaces, even-more-python-... chapter 11-15, Team Repo. PR #48
- Augmented decorator example, Team Repo. PR #24
- Finalized project with remove conflicts, See List
- Made PR of the unified indent to the original project repo., Project Repo. PR #67
- Discussed about how to deal with indent issue, Project Repo. Issue #15
- Discussed about how to deal with Korean translation, Project Repo. Issue #27